ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS are hand-crafted and use a special plant based resin (so they can be healthier than the normal chemical-filled resin products), therefore you will see some imperfections on our resin-using products (all Chips which are used in: Cell, Laptop, Device Chips plus Regular & XL Bands)
** EMF Sources listed above often measure over 1,000 times higher than the Safe Levels (Safe Levels: one’s which do NOT produce “Biological Effects” according to & others)!
** Most don’t realize that household fans produce a disruptive Electromagnetic Field which is a different type of EMF that is harder for our products to remediate. So we suggest for best results not only using a Device Chip but also keeping fans, etc, at least 5 feet from the edge of your bed as well. Also we suggest avoiding the “bladeless fans” which are too hard to remediate altogether!
Dimensions: 0.25″ x 0.9″ x 0.9″
(after the video starts click the bottom right box in a video to enlarge)
Use to remediate strongest Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or other EMF-emitting devices, such as:
(In approximate order of importance:)
- Wi-Fi Routers
- Newer Smart TVs (espec after 2020 or any in the bedroom)
- Wi-Fi printers, Smart Home Devices (Alexa, Google Home), Wi-Fi Extenders, etc.
- Gaming Stations & Gaming Controllers
- Baby Monitors
- Beds which “plug in” – such as adjustable beds, beds with a grounding mat, etc. Do NOT use Better ZZZs on these!
- Everything Bluetooth or Wi-Fi that is in the bedroom
- Fans, AC Units, Air Purifiers & other Rotating Electric Motor devices – most importantly the ones in or near your bedroom! Please see below for more info. ** NOTE: Fans, AC Units, etc, NOT in your bedroom are lower priority.
- Cordless House Phones (main unit only…and phones you use frequently)
- Other Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Devices, such as: iRobot main station & unit, Cordless Security Systems, Bluetooth Speakers, Bluetooth toys, more
This product will never be perfect looking but is near perfect performing. Here’s why: All resin-made products by EMF Solutions, including this one, are imperfect looking because of a safer, less toxic, plant-based resin that takes 3 long days to dry (as opposed to the chemical based resins which take minutes to dry). The dry resin isn’t perfect looking but we sacrifice looks for health and performance.