The only products proven to normalize the effect on human cells

EMF Solutions makes superior EMF remediation products for your cell phone, wireless devices, entire home, office, car, and for your body when on the go. Based on proven bio-energetic technology our products are super unique in that they actually address the root cause of EMF issues. (If you are facing a health crisis and are in need of financial assistance to get all of the products you or your family needs, please email us at and put "Financial Assistance Request" in the Subject Line. We will email you back with what information we need from you.)

Our Products

Bundle Options

Be Healthy

1 Home Harmonizer
1 Better ZZZ’s
1 Device Chip
1 Cell Chip &
1 Personal Card – $734.75
Substitute 2 Room Harmonizer for the Home Harmonizer – $514.85

Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Bare Minimum

1 Room Harmonizer
1 Cell Chip &
1 Personal Device

Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Customer Testimonials

I gave Phillip his (Personal Card) to put in his pocket. Less than 20 minutes later there was no more (head tensions) or xxxx. Later in the evening, and before...

Lisa R
Scripps Ranch, CA

It’s been nearly six months since my husband and I received our bands. We are so impressed with the results. Within the first 24 hours after putting them on, the...


I’ve never been able to “feel energy” before, but after remediating our house and then going to the neighbor’s I felt like I was getting knocked back over. My xxxx...

Nick D
San Diego, CA

MY HOUSE FEELS STILL. Like it does when the power is out.


Thank you for your products! I’ve been dealing with insomnia for 3 years, after remediating my home with your products, I slept: 14 hours that night!! The next night I...

Jennifer C
Phoenix, AZ

I’m not usually one to put testimonials down on paper! But I do have amazing results I have had with our apartment being remediated! Almost within hours I had a...


The whole house product has been in for 2 weeks and I’ve NOTICED I’M TRULY RESTED WHEN I AWAKE in the am and my HUSBAND HAS MORE ENERGY IN GENERAL....

Nicolee M
Hillcrest, CA

I used a rep that came into my home and tested all my appliances, Wi-Fi, smart meter, computers, and recommended products to harmonize the EMF’s. This has by far been...


I have to say this is the first time in a very long time that I feel much better when I woke up this morning. I have had for a...

Steven S
San Diego, CA

From the first night I got my condo bundle with room harmonizers I slept better and didn’t have nightmares and felt so well rested and so did my entire family....


  • 1. Pub – Study “Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the rat.” By University of Washington’s Dr Henry Lai and Dr Signh study in 1995
  • 2. Pub – Study “Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the rat.” By University of Washington’s Dr Henry Lai and Dr Signh study in 1995
  • 3. Seattle PI Article “UW Scientist Henry Lai makes Waves in Cell Phone Industry” by Naomi Ishisaka in January 2011
  • 4. France National Library Press Release April 3, 2008 – Article “France National Library (BNF) is giving up Wi-Fi”
  • 5. ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) organization – 2011 ICNIRP Sci Review “Mobile Phones, Brain Tumors and the Interphone Study: Where are we now?”
  • 6. Article/Study: “Pineal Melatonin Level disruption in humans due to electromagnetic fields and ICNIRP limits.” In 2013
  • 7.“the results show the significance of disruption of melatonin due to exposure to weak EMFs, which may possibly lead to long-term health effects in humans.”
  • 8. Study in 2001 called the Frequency of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Symptoms Based on Distance to Cell Phone Base Station by La Presse Medicale
  • 9. Source taken from Julie Layton’s article called “How does the body make electricity and how does it use it?” on
  • 10. DNA Damage and repair – DNA Damage Response lecture in 2003 by Suman Bhattacharjee does state that Ionizing Radiation (a form of EMF exposure) can cause DNA damage which leads to either DNA Repair, Apoptosis (cell death), or Error Prone Repair (cell goes on working while DNA damage is still there).
  • 11. EON – The Ecological Options Network: Media with a Planetarian Perspective – Video called “Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution” at
  • 12. The BioInitiative Report of 2007, 2012, and 2014. Over 4,000 studies and conclusions of the effects of EMF’s.
  • 13. “Polarization: A Key Difference between Man-made and Natural Electromagnetic Fields, in regard to Biological Activity” written by Nilima Shirodkar, Oct 13, 2015
  • 14. Source: Dr Mercola web site May 28, 2017 article with Dr Sam Milham.
  • 15. Published by European Commission Reflex Studies in 2004 by German professor Franz Adlkofer.
  • 16. Berry Trower’s Video – see link above. Berry Trower was Secret Service Weapons Expert in the British military who used Microwaves as weapons and now warns of grave dangers of EMF’s, especially on kids and more so Grand kids.
  • 17. Source: Swedish Neuroscience Professor at Karolinksa Institute in 2017
  • 18. Speeches and videos and writings by Dr Martin Pall, Washington State University

Other References:

Penn State Study and Article “Scientists End 13 Year Debate Proving Non-Ionizing RF Microwave Effect Causes Cell Phone Radiation DNA Damage” Book “The Field” by Lynn McTaggart – describing the human Biofield from a scientific point of view of many scientific disciplines, different doctors and scientists, and from all around the world.

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