…So I began to order a couple of (EMF Solutions’) products, and now, because I have seen firsthand, not only for me, but for my friends who have found profound benefits from using them – even with just a couple of these products. For myself, my energy has increased; my motivation has increased; my chiropractor has seen positive improvement in my xxx & xxx; I am typing faster as my fingers move easier and quicker; I can stay at my computer longer without reacting …now my walking is much easier and better; my mind is clearer, and on and on it goes. And as someone with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, I’m beginning to see that my tolerance to scents is beginning to improve. For my friends who are watching me, and now using some of (EMF Solutions’) products, here are some of their results: One autistic boy with severe behavioral issues is wearing the wrist band and whenever it is off his wrist, he’s very behavioral, but when he wears it, he becomes very calm. So his Mom keeps it on his wrist at all times, and his sleep patterns have improved. Another friend has the wrist band. She wore for a time and found she could sleep much better right through the night, which was a first for her… Another friend gets severe xxxx cramps… I gave her the PERSONAL CARD and told her to put it in her pocket as an experiment to see if it helped and within an hour, all her cramps… and pain in her xxxx STOPPED. A man with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities), chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia was mostly bedridden, and fought to try and drive to a grocery store to get his food, or go to the pharmacy to get his medication. Now, with some (EMF Solutions’) products, he is able to drive 1 ½ hrs to go to a function a distance away from him. Physically, these emf products have turned him around to the point to be able to function again at a new level he hasn’t experienced in many years. I am so impressed at what I’m seeing both in my life, and the lives of my friends, I just had to share this with you. EMF can’t be stopped at this point as it is in all our devices, but we can be protected from its dangerous effects and we can be protected in a safe and efficient way that really works. I’ve seen it in my life, and I’m seeing it happen before my eyes in my friend’s lives. I would like to encourage you to go on (EMF Solutions’) site… They 100% work. No question. Give it a try – you won’t be disappointed