We’ll first say that we are NOT trying to ban 5G because we believe that it can be fully remediated. We totally trust our products.
But for those who do not know that there are solutions, we understand the angst about putting up more and more radiation, especially 5G, all around modern society.
Here is just one source (below) which lists over 40 towns, cities, and countries which have placed laws into effect banning 5G.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are many more countries which have passed laws about cell phones or WiFi in schools, 4G cell towers, and other EMF’s, which are NOT included in this article below.
1. Brussels is the first City to halt 5G due to adverse health effects. https://smombiegate.org/brussels-first-major-city-to-halt-5g-due-to-health-effects/
2. UK Glastonbury Town Council have halted 5G due to adverse health effects. https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/local-news/glastonbury-council-opposes-5g-roll-2998413
3. UK Frome Town Council has a moral responsibility to protect public health and the local environment. Until there is more independent scientific consensus that 5G wireless radiation is harmless to humans and the environment FTC adopts the precautionary principle and will not endorse the rollout of 5G. https://www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/frome-town-council…/
4. Ireland County Clare has halted 5G due to adverse health effects. http://www.clare.fm/news/clare-county-council/motion-oppose-5g-rollout-clare-receives-council-backing/
5. Ireland Roscommon County halts 5g due to adverse health effects. https://www.facebook.com/groups/796999407353013/permalink/877482035971416/
6. Ireland Leitrim Council https://www.leitrimobserver.ie/news/home/476112/councillors-opposed-to-the-dangers-of-5g.html?fbclid=IwAR1eo8BW_ByCdZxUkxwHGFN3DsuMTaYW2yeYk0xKjtTOH1cWqLWTBRDfCU8
7. Ireland Sligo https://www.facebook.com/stop5gsligo/posts/210209590412424
8. UK Totnes Devon 5G Moratorium https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7544239/5G-campaigners-force-Devon-council-pause-installation-new-high-speed-network.html, https://www.newsweek.com/small-town-bans-5g-high-speed-network-due-health-concerns-5g-dangerous-1463974
9. Australia halts 5G due to adverse health effects (I think its only TPG a leading Tech Co. that has halted 5G) https://www.activistpost.com/2019/09/health-concerns-have-stopped-5g-rollout-in-australia.html
10. USA Portland Oregon 24th March 2019 City officials state clear opposition to the installation of 5G networks on health grounds, supported by the mayor and two commissioners. https://digitalsurvivor.uk/…/portland-officials…/
11. Italy Florence 28 March 2019 Florence applies the precautionary principle, refusing permissions for 5G and referring to “the ambiguity and the uncertainty of supranational bodies and private bodies (like ICNIRP)”, which “have very different positions from each other, despite the huge evidence of published studies”.
12. Russia 28 March 2019 – The Russian Ministry of Defence refuses to transfer frequencies for 5G, which effectively delays any 5G rollout there for several years.
13. Netherlands 4 April 2019 Members of Parliament in the Netherlands insist that radiation research must be carried out before any approval of the 5G network.
14. USA California 5th April 2019 California Supreme Court Justices unanimously uphold a 2011 San Francisco ordinance requiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on city infrastructure.
15. Switzerland Geneva 10th April 2019 Geneva adopts a motion for a moratorium on 5G, calling on the Council of State to request WHO to monitor independent scientific studies to determine the harmful effects of 5G. https://www.letemps.ch/…/geneve-adopte-une-motion-un…16/ Switzerland 9 April:The Canton of Vaud adopts a resolution calling for a moratorium on 5G antennas until the publication this summer of a report on 5G by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.
16. USA District of Columbia August 9th, 2019. The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a decision substantially setting back the efforts of the Federal Communications Commission to expedite the deployment of 5G technology. https://ehtrust.org/federal-court-overturns-fcc-order…/…
17. Cyprus MPs want Health Hazard study prior to 5G https://cyprus-mail.com/2019/09/19/mps-want-health-hazard-study-prior-to-allowing-5g/
18. Switzerland 5G Opponents Block 320 of 326 Antennas https://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.com/2019/09/switzerland-5g-opponents-block-320-or.html
19. Italy 14 municipalities, including Rome, stopped 5G. https://www.5gexposed.com/2019/07/05/italy-stop-5g-mayors-here-is-italys-first-suspension-order/
20. Malta Godfrey Farrugia MP will be tabling a 5G warning in Parliament. https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/97919/Godfrey_Farrugia_will_be_tabling_a_5G_warning_in_Parliament
21. Ireland Wicklow 7th October Kat Redmond Just to let everyone know Motion to Oppose 5G In Co. Wicklow was passed 5 mins ago at Council Meeting. Further, update you later.
22. UK Kingsbridge Devon 8th October Moratorium https://youtu.be/Nggr_ZlGsd0
23. UK Shepton Mallet 8th October Moratorium https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/local-news/somerset-council-blocks-5g-roll-3420355
24. Brighton October 2019 5G Masts rejected. http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/17966374.win-anti-5g-group-mast-plans-rejected
25. France October 2019, French NGOs Demand Moratorium on 5G Due to Its “Out of Control” Consequences On Society.
26. Bangladesh October 2019, The High Court issued 12-point directives including the imposition of a ban on the installation of mobile or telecommunication towers on the rooftops of residential areas, educational institutions, hospitals, jail premises, heritage sites, playgrounds, and places of worship. http://www.newagebd.net/article/87920/hc-orders-removal-of-mobile-towers-from-sensitive-areas
27. USA Louisiana June 2019 Louisiana Becomes First State to Call for Study on Health Impacts of 5G https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/06/07/louisiana-becomes-first-state-to-call-for-study-on-health-impacts-of-5g
28. Italy October 2019, Isabella Conti blocks the 5G in San Lazzaro
“Without guarantees on health effects, therefore, in San Lazzaro no new generation antennas. The 5G radio frequencies, underlines Conti, “are completely unexplored: as administrators, we cannot close our eyes to the absence of scientific studies on the possible effects on health” http://www.bolognatoday.it/cronaca/antenne-5g-blocco-bologna-san-lazzaro.html
29. USA October 2019 New York becomes the next State to introduce a Bill to establish a Commission to study the Health and Environmental effects of 5G.
30. USA Encinitas to ban 5G wireless antennas near schools, daycares, residences https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/communities/north-county/story/2019-10-31/encinitas-to-ban-5g-wireless-antennas-near-schools-daycares-residences
31. France 2015 France: New National Law Bans WIFI in Nursery School https://ehtrust.org/france-new-national-law-bans-wifi-nursery-school/
32. UK 2019 November, Wellington Somerset. Charlie Kay As of tonight Wellington Town Council have just invoked the Precautionary Principle. There were only 6 of us with 2 of us speaking. If you are not already doing so then now is the time to speak to your county, town, district, or parish council. Action conquers fear. Rise up!
33. UK 2019 November ANNOUNCEMENT – Winchester CC responded and OBJECTED to the Government’s proposal to support 5G deployment – WIN.
34. WALES Lampeter. Dinah Mulholland, Labour 1 November. Glad to let you know that last night Lampeter Town Council passed a motion urging that the precautionary principle be applied to the installation and rollout of 5G. The motion was proposed by Gary Thorogood and I seconded it, it was passed with overwhelming support, no votes against and only two abstentions. The meeting was packed with concerned members of the public. Town Council will write to our AMs, MP, and Ceredigion Council asking for them to also apply the precautionary principle, and be active in encouraging research into the effects of 5G on people and the environment. Lampeter Town Council is leading the way in responding to concerns over 5G and the climate crisis. I feel very proud to be a member of Lampeter Town Council and to live in this amazing community.
35. LAOIS COUNTY, IRELAND – https://smombiegate.org/laois-county-ireland-to-suspend-5g-due-to-health-concerns-non-coverage-by-insurance/
36. 20th November 2019 – Mayor of Bad Wiessee in Bavaria, Germany announces the unanimous decision of the Town Council to invoke the precautionary principle and reject the 5G rollout (November 2019)
37. Switzerland – Some Swiss regions have suspended the use of new mobile sites constructed for 5G due to health concerns. The country is one of the most advanced 5G nations in Europe, with Swisscom and Sunrise among the first to launch next-generation networks. Speeds and coverage outpace other nations in the region and the government itself is interested in using 5G for applications like smart farming. However, Switzerland is also home to a vocal community of anti-5G campaigners. Protests have taken place in major cities while rural mayors have declared their desire to remain ‘5G-free zones’. https://smombiegate.org/switzerland-halts-rollout-of-5g-over-health-concerns/
38. Santa Barbara City Council – https://smombiegate.org/council-hits-big…bara-independent/ Facing a gathering storm of opposition from anti-radiation activists worried about the health effects of the new 5G cellular technology, the Santa Barbara City Council voted to delay authorizing a licensing agreement with Verizon that would have allowed the cell phone service giant to install up to 60 new 5G cell phone antennas on light fixtures downtown.
39. 5G has been halted in Slovenia while officials take more time to investigate the health effects of the new technology. A letter from Minister Rudi Medved (unofficial translation below) states they will reopen the debate on potential health risks. https://smombiegate.org/slovenia-halts-5g-to-investigate-health-and-safety/
40. 100 Municipalities in Italy are officially Stop 5G – DECEMBER 10 2019 “A small Italian miracle in defense of public health. Just 9 months after the approval of the Vicovaro Resolution in the consensus of the 1st Stop 5G national meeting promoted on 2 March 2019 by the Italian Alliance Stop 5G, today 100 Italian Municipalities are officially Stopping 5G. Before Vicovaro the void in the local administration of the tsunami of wireless fifth generation did not speak at all, completely ignored the risk, but now – less than 300 days from the first historical event – a rising tide of awareness in the claim of a right enshrined in art. 32 of the Constitution, recalling the European precautionary principle, spreads relentlessly from the Valle d’Aosta to Sicily, from the province of Bolzano to that of Caltanissetta and Nuoro, passing through the cities of Rome (Municipio XII), Turin, Catania, Florence, and Bologna. And we’re just beginning
41. Papua New Guinea‘s ICT Minister wants the country’s internet providers to hold off on any development of 5G until all risks from the new technology are evaluated. DEC 31, 2019 – https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/406411/png-govt-puts-hold-on-5g-development
42. Los Altos, CA Unanimously Denies All 4G/5G Cell Node Appeals – After substantial pushback from Los Altos residents, all 13 cell node application appeals submitted by Verizon and AT&T were denied by the city council on the basis of ” insubstantial evidence.” https://www.5gcrisis.com/post/los-altos-ca-unanimously-denies-all-4g-5g-cell-node-appeals
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