
Cell Phone Radiation Cause Dementia says Gov’t agencies (NIH, ICNIRP)

The National Institute of Health (NIH) published a study by the International Commission of Non-Ionization Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Of course, this study got little attention even though its conclusions were significant to everyone.

The ICNIRP concluded that…people who spend more than 50 minutes a day using a cell phone could have early dementia or other thermal damage due to the burning of glucose in the brain.”
This is only one study of well over 10,000 studies proving that EMF’s from household items do in fact do major damage to humans (as well as animals and plant

One aspect of this study that makes it so SIGNIFICANT is that the FDA uses the ICNIRP as its source to determine the maximum “SAFE LEVELS” of EMF radiation in the U.S. But it uses the figures and conclusions of one study from the ICNIRP from the early 1990’s which was based on their observations from the 1980’s. With this new conclusion about EMF’s and the safe or unsafe levels one might think that the FDA would RETHINK their “Safe Levels” of EMF Radiation but it does not appear that will happen ever or anytime soon.

See the full article here

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