EMF Articles

lastest-post-main-image HUMAN CELL & EMF STUDY –> Huge News!! Lab proves...
INTRO: First, this study reproved the root cause of how household EMFs effect human cells...
lastest-post-main-image Pregnant women should minimize EMF exposure at all costs –...
We thought this is a super important issue that EVERYONE should know and share with...
lastest-post-main-image Kentucky Derby Equine Deaths: Was EMF the Cause?
Dr Tenpenny has posted an article addressing the large amount of horse DEATHS which began...
lastest-post-main-image 6G coming soon? What does this mean to you?
HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS We at EMF Solutions are totally confident that our products will...
lastest-post-main-image Cell Phone Radiation Cause Dementia says Gov’t agencies (NIH, ICNIRP)
The National Institute of Health (NIH) published a study by the International Commission of Non-Ionization...
lastest-post-main-image Former ICNIRP member talks about Wireless Cancer Risk
James Lin was from 2004 till 2016 member of ICNIRP. [The ICNIRP provides guidelines for radiation safety...
lastest-post-main-image Wifi radiation risks and how to avoid it.
To call wireless connection the lifeblood of today’s digital world would not be blowing it...
lastest-post-main-image Excitement about the Biggest Breakthrough in EMF history
Excitement about the Biggest Breakthrough in EMF history There was an Independent study done in...

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